udunuwaradt@gmail.com +94 777 408 887 309, Opella, Muruthagahamula, Gelioya, Sri Lanka.


“Unity in Diversity”

Udunuwara Development Trust (UDT) is Welfare Organization Established on 20th Sepetember 2015 is situated in the Udunuwara divisional Secretariate in Kandy Disctict, Sri Lanka. The organization was built specially for the purpose of developing and implimenting various projects for uplifting and expediting Education, Social developments and Ethnic integrity. UTD has extends it's services to all communies living in Udunuwara.

Our Subsidiaries

Ummu Haleema Academy

An Organization for Life Support & Skill Development

An-noor Centre for the Diffrently Abled

A Centre for differently abled children and adults living in the Udunuwara area


Udunuwara as a role model for Social Development, Ethnic harmony for a united Sri Lanka, where all communities non Judgmentally respect views and cultural values for the development of the country under one common Sri Lankan identity.


The Mission of UDT is to become a central place in Udunuwara in order to promote Education, Socio - Cultural, Economic Development and promote Ethnic Integrity.